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Stability is a central concept in exchange-based mechanism design. It imposes a fundamental requirement that no subset of agents could beneficially deviate from the outcome pre-scribed by the mechanis...
Matchings and phylogenetic trees。
Random Walks on Trees and Matchings
Markov Chain Matchings Phylogenetic Tree Fourier analysis Zonal polynomials Coagulation-Fragmentation
We give sharp rates of convergence for a natural Markov chain on the space of phylogenetic trees and dually for the natural random walk on the set of perfect matchings in the complete graph on 2n vert...
Unraveling Yields Inefficient Matchings:Evidence from Post-season College Football Bowls
Games Gaming and Gambling Television Entertainment Market Timing Market Transactions
Many markets have "unraveled" and experienced inefficient, early, dispersed transactions, and subsequently developed institutions to delay transaction timing. However, it has previously proved difficu...
Cycles and sorting index for matchings and restricted permutations
Cycles and sorting index matchings and restricted permutations Combinatorics
We prove that the Mahonian-Stirling pairs of permutation statistics $(\sor, \cyc)$ and $(\inv, \mathrm{rlmin})$ are equidistributed on the set of permutations that correspond to arrangements of $n$ no...
Partitions and Partial Matchings Avoiding Neighbor Patterns
set partition partial matching neighbor alignment left nesting right nesting.
We obtain the generating functions for partial matchings avoiding neighbor alignments and for partial matchings avoiding neighbor alignments and left nestings. We show that there is a bijection betwee...
Oscillating Rim Hook Tableaux and Colored Matchings
Oscillating m-rim hook tableau m-colored matching lattice path bijection Dyck path packing
Motivated by the question of finding a type B analogue of the bijection between oscillating tableaux and matchings, we find a correspondence between oscillating m-rim hook tableaux and m-colored match...
Abstract: We show how to construct homology bases for certain CW complexes in terms of discrete Morse theory and cellular homology. We apply this technique to study certain subcomplexes of the half cu...
Edge-Removal and Non-Crossing Perfect Matchings
Edge-Removal Non-Crossing Matchings Combinatorics Probability
Abstract: We study the following problem - How many arbitrary edges can be removed from a complete geometric graph with 2n vertices such that the resulting graph always contains a perfect non-crossing...
Large matchings in uniform hypergraphs and the conjectures of Erdos and Samuels
Large matchings uniform hypergraphs conjectures of Erdos and Samuels Combinatorics Probability
Abstract: In this paper we study conditions which guarantee the existence of perfect matchings and perfect fractional matchings in uniform hypergraphs. We reduce this problem to an old conjecture by E...
Exponentially many perfect matchings in cubic graphs
Exponentially many perfect matchings cubic graphs
We show that every cubic bridgeless graph G has at least 2|V (G)|/3656 perfect matchings.
This confirms an old conjecture of Lov´asz and Plummer.
Lattice Polynomials, 12312-Avoiding Partial Matchings and Even Trees
Lattice Polynomials Partial Matchings Even Trees
The lattice polynomials $L_{i,j}(x)$ are introduced by Hough and Shapiro as a weighted count of certain lattice paths from the origin to the point $(i,j)$. In particular, $L_{2n, n}(x)$ reduces to th...
Computing the partition function for perfect matchings in a hypergraph
hypergraph perfect matching partition function permanent
Given non-negative weights wS on the k-subsets S of a km-element set V , we consider the sum of the products wS1 · · ·wSm over all partitions V =S1 [ . . . [ Sm into pairwise disjoint k-subsets Si.
Edge-Colouring Hypergraphs Properly (Covering with Matchings) or Polychromatically (Packing Covers)
Edge-Colouring Hypergraphs Properly Polychromatically
Let the chromatic index of a hypergraph be the smallest number of colours needed to colour the
edges such that similarly-coloured edges are disjoint. Likewise, let the cover index be the maximum numb...
The covering radius problem for sets of perfect matchings
Perfect matchings Lovasz local lemma
Consider the family of all perfect matchings of the complete graph K2n with 2n vertices.Given any collection M of perfect matchings of size s, there exists a maximum number f(n; x) such that if s f(...