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Central limit theorems and uniform laws of large numbers for arrays of random fields
Random field Spatial process Central limit theorem Uniform law of large numbers Law of large numbers
Over the last decades, spatial-interaction models have been increasingly used in economics. However, the development of a sufficiently general asymptotic theory for nonlinear spatial models has been h...
Test of Random vs Fixed E¡ìects with Small Within Variation
Test of Random Fixed E¡ìects Small Within Variation
Comparisons of within and between estimators using the conventional Hausman test may besubject to statistical problems if the within variation is not su¡é ciently large. Adopting an alternative asympto...
Market Design Random Assignment Birkhoff-von Neumann Theorem Probabilistic Serial Pseudo-Market Utility Guarantee Assignment Messages
Randomization is a common feature of everyday resource allocation. We generalize the theory of randomized assignment to accommodate various real-world constraints such as group-specific quotas (¡°contr...
The Economic Impacts of Climate Change: Evidence from Agricultural Output and Random Fluctuations in Weather: Reply
Agricultural Output Random Fluctuations
Fisher et al. (2012)––henceforth, FHRS––have uncovered coding and data errors in our paper, Deschênes and Greenstone (2007), henceforth, DG. We acknowledge and are embarrassed by these mistakes. We a...
On free lunches in random walk markets with short-sale constraints and small transaction costs, and weak convergence to Gaussian continuous-time processes
Stock price model random walk Gaussian processes weak con-vergence
This paper considers a sequence of discrete-time random walk markets with a safe and a single risky investment opportunity, and gives conditions for the existence of arbitrages or free lunches with va...
Record statistics and persistence for a random walk with a drift
Record statistics persistence random walk with a drift
We study the statistics of records of a one-dimensional random walk of nsteps,starting from the origin, and in presence of a constant bias c. At each time-step
the walker makes a random jump of lengt...
Directed Random Markets: Connectivity determines Money
Econophysics gas-like models networks money distribution.
Boltzmann-Gibbs distribution arises as the statistical equilibrium probability distribu-tion of money among the agents of a closed economic system where random and undi-rected exchanges are allowed. W...
The Wronskian parameterizes the class of diffusions with a given distribution at a random time
Wronskian distribution random time
We provide a complete characterization of the class of one-dimensional time-homogeneous diusions consistent with a given law at an exponentially distributed time using classical results in diusion t...
State-independent importance sampling for regularly varying random walks
State-independent regularly random walks
Efficient simulation of rare events involving sums of heavy-tailed random vari-ables has been an active research area in applied probability in the lastfifteen years.These rare events arise in many ap...
Optimal multiple stopping with random waiting times
Optimal multiple stopping swing options random waiting times
In the standard models for optimal multiple stopping problems it is assumed that between two exercises there is always a time period of deterministic length $\delta$, the so called refraction period. ...
Record Statistics for Multiple Random Walks
Record Statistics Multiple Random Walks Statistical Finance
We study the statistics of the number of records R_{n,N} for N identical and independent symmetric discrete-time random walks of n steps in one dimension, all starting at the origin at step 0. At each...
We develop a new model of random choice to study violations of the weak axiom of
revealed preference. We introduce the notion of a stochastic preference and show that it
implies the Luce model. Our ...
Building portfolios of stocks in the Sao Paulo Stock Exchange using Random Matrix Theory
Building portfolios stocks the Sao Paulo Stock Exchange Random Matrix Theory
Using Random Matrix Theory, we build a covariance matrix between stocks of the BM&F-Bovespa (Bolsa de Valores, Mercadorias e Futuros de S\~ao Paulo) which is cleaned of some of the noise due to the co...
Predicting the amount individuals withdraw at cash machines using a random effects multinomial model
ATM cash withdrawal customer personal banking
Retail finance organizations use data on past behaviour to make predictions for customer value management strategies. Random-effects models, where each individual has a behavioural pattern drawn from ...
Additive habit formation: Consumption in incomplete markets with random endowments
Optimal Consumption Investment Utility Maximization Habit Formation Random Endowments Incomplete Markets
We provide a detailed characterization of the optimal consumption
stream for the additive habit-forming utility maximization problem, in
a framework of general discrete-time incomplete markets and r...
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