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Takagi-Sugeno-Kang模糊系统 概率模型 回归 粒子滤波
传统Takagi-Sugeno-Kang(TSK)模糊系统的结构辨识和参数优化往往分阶段进行,同时模糊规则数需要预先设定,因此TSK模糊系统的逼近性能和解释性往往不理想.针对此问题,提出了一种结构辨识和参数优化协同学习的概率TSK模糊系统(Probabilistic TSK fuzzy system,PTSK).首先,PTSK使用概率模型表示模糊回归系统,将结构辨识和参数优化作为一个整体来考虑.其...
现行传统WiFi(wireless fidelity)接收信号强度指示RSSI(receievd signal strength inication)的位置指纹室内定位技术存在定位误差大、稳定性差的缺陷.因此,我们对原有的K最近邻KNN(K-Nearest neighbor)算法提出了改进的方案.同时,在原有的KNN算法的基础上提出了融合朴素贝叶斯概率算法的新算法-BKWNN(Bayes K-Ne...
概率互补约束 NCP 函数 alpha-凹函数 最优性条件
主要讨论了一类带概率互补约束的随机优化问题的最优性条件. 首先利用一类非线性互补(NCP)函数将概率互补约束转化成为一个通常的概率约束. 然后, 利用概率约束的相关理论结果, 将其等价地转化成一个带不等式约束的优化问题. 最后给出了这类问题的弱驻点和最优解的最优性条件.
多属性群决策 概率语言集 概率分布 PROMETHEE方法
Majority dynamics on trees and the dynamic cavity method
Voters independent distribution random variables the initialization
An elector sits on each vertex of an innite tree of degree k, and has to decide between two alternatives.At each time step, each elector switches to the opinion of the majority of her neighbors. We a...
灰色随机 扩展灰数 Hurwicz准则 TODIM方法
首先定义了扩展灰数的可能度和距离公式; 然后针对方案准则值为扩展灰数的不确定多准则决策问题, 提出一种基于Hurwicz 的概率不确定的灰色随机多准则决策方法. 该方法通过使用扩展灰数的可能度和Hurwicz准则求得各方案在各准则下的评价值, 经规范化后得到标准效用值决策矩阵; 利用扩展灰数的距离和TODIM思想计算决策者对每个方案的损益感知价值及方案优势度, 进而计算各方案总体感知价值大小以对方...
信用违约互换 违约概率 跳跃扩散市场 无套利原理 Gaver-Stehfest算法
Information theoretic interpretation of frequency domain connectivity measures
Information theoretic interpretation frequency domain connectivity measures
To provide adequate multivariate measures of information flow between neural structures, modified expressions of Partial Directed Coherence (PDC) and Directed Transfer Function (DTF), two popular mult...
Asymptotic Synchronization for Finite-State Sources
Asymptotic Synchronization Finite-State Sources
We extend a recent analysis of synchronization for exact finite-state sources to nonexact sources for which synchronization occurs only asymptotically. Although the asymptotic case requires more sophi...
Against Digital Ontology
Analogue continuous digital ontology discrete informational structural realism
The paper argues that digital ontology (the ultimate nature of reality is digital, and the universe is a computational system equivalent to a Turing Machine) should be carefully distinguished from inf...
We construct the RR varieties as the fiber products of Bott-Samelson varieties over Richardson varieties. We study their homogeneous coordinate rings and standard monomial theory.
Noncrossing Linked Partitions and Large (3,2)-Motzkin Paths
Noncrossing linked partition Schr¨oder path large (3, 2)-Motzkin path
Noncrossing linked partitions arise in the study of certain transforms in free probability theory. We explore the connection between noncrossing linked partitions and colored Motzkin paths.
In this paper we study the asymptotic behaviour of the escape rate of a Gibbs measure supported on a conformal repeller through a small hole. There are additional applications to the convergence of Ha...
HISTABRUT: A Maple Package for Symbol-Crunching in Probability theory
Maple Package Symbol-Crunching Probability theory
A Maple package HISTABRUT (available from ttp://www.math.rutgers.edu/~zeilberg/tokhniot/HISTABRUT)is presented and briefly described. It uses the polynomial ansatz to discover (often fully rigorously,...