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New York State School Music Association
New York State School Music Association music education
The mission of the New York State School Music Association is to advance music education across New York State for its membership and students in member school programs.

沈阳音乐学院现代音乐学院流行声乐系学生荣获QQ音乐YOUNG MUSIC校园歌手大赛冠军、季军(图)
沈阳音乐学院现代音乐学院 流行声乐 学生 QQ音乐 YOUNG MUSIC校园歌手 大赛 冠军 季军
2019年12月28日,由腾讯音乐娱乐集团主办的QQ音乐YOUNG MUSIC校园歌手大赛总决赛在深圳福田体育公园体育馆落幕。现代音乐学院流行声乐系2019级学生刘天奇获冠军(指导教师:孟奇玉)、2017级贺诗昊获季军(指导教师:孟奇玉)。

2018年12月17日揭晓的Music Theatre Now大奖,由来自5个国家的评委组成的国际评审团历时6个月,从来自全球55个国家的436件现代歌剧及音乐剧场作品中选出10部授予MTN2018大奖。中央音乐学院作曲系研究生一年级学生李景元(指导老师:郭文景教授)教授的室内歌剧作品《地狱变》(Jigokuhen)入选,这是唯一一部来自东亚地区的获奖作品。10位获奖者将于2019年5月鹿特丹国际...
第十八届国际音乐信息检索学会年会(The 18th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference)
psychology musicology
The 18th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference will take place at National University of Singapore Research Institute (NUSRI) in Suzhou, China, October 23-2827, 2017. It is ...
Many a days during my PhD I asked myself why on earth I am doing a PhD on music and
language. You, dear reader, might ask yourself the same question about this PhD thesis. Why
read it? I describe ex...

Computer scientists use music to covertly track body movements,activity(图)
Computer scientists music covertly track body movements activity
As smartphones, tablets, smart TVs and other smart devices become more prevalent in our lives, computer scientists have raised concerns that these network-enabled devices, if not properly secured, cou...
湖南第一师范学院综合英语(二)课件Unit9 All That’s Happening in the Music World
湖南第一师范学院 综合英语(二) 课件 Unit9 All That’s Happening in the Music World
湖南第一师范学院综合英语(二)课件Unit9 All That’s Happening in the Music World。
2017信息网络中心多媒体流研讨会(Multimedia Streaming in Information-/Content-Centric Networks)(MuSIC)
信息网络中心多媒体流 研讨会
With the exponential growth of multimedia content in recent years (in particular, real-time video for entertainment) and the availability of the same content at multiple locations (e.g., the same vide...
2017年国际音乐深度学习研讨会(2017 International Workshop on Deep Learning for Music)
2017年 国际音乐 深度学习 研讨会
There has been tremendous interest in deep learning across many fields of study. Recently, these techniques have gained popularity in the field of music. Projects such as Magenta (Google's Brain Team'...
Language inflences music harmony perception:effcts of shared syntactic integration resources beyond attention
music cognition syntactic processing semantic processing harmony perception closure ratings dynamic attending theory
Many studies have revealed shared music–language processing resources by finding an influence of music harmony manipulations on concurrent language processing. However, the nature of the shared resour...
Where’s That Music Coming From?
中国传统音乐 西方音乐
本节课从中国传统音乐切入,链接不同流派的西方音乐片段,在真实的语境中,感受音乐的优美,进而引导学生思考、归纳并阐述语篇要点:多元西方音乐之所以如此流行的重要元素包括: 各国本土的优美音乐旋律( melody)与用国际通用的语言—英语,所谱写的歌词(lyrics)这两者的高度融合。在音乐欣赏的过程中体会“民族的乃是世界的”。整堂课在真实的语境中探讨音乐的生命力,感受音乐带来的快乐和享受,同时思考成功...