搜索结果: 1-15 共查到“理学 log”相关记录62条 . 查询时间(0.091 秒)
Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS Colloquia & Seminars:Asymptotic log-concavity of dominant lower Bruhat intervals
显性 Bruhat区间 渐近对数凹性
Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS Colloquia & Seminars:On the Log-Brunn-Minkowski inequality
对数 布伦 闵可夫斯基不等式
Discussion of ‘Maximum likelihood estimation of a multi-dimensional log-concave density’ by M. Cule, R. Samworth and M. Stewart
likelihood estimation multi-dimensional log-concave density
I started looking at log-concave distributions when I was searching for an appropriate model
for subpopulations of multivariate flow cytometry data about ten years ago. The use of log-concave
Inference and Modeling with Log-concave Distributions
Log-concave Distributions Inference and Modeling
Log-concave distributions are an attractive choice for modeling
and inference, for several reasons: The class of log-concave distributions contains most of the commonly used parametric distributions ...
Clustering with mixtures of log-concave distributions
EM algorithm Log-concave distribution Clustering Normal copula
The EM algorithm is a popular tool for clustering observations via a parametric mixture model. Two disadvantages of this
approach are that its success depends on the appropriateness of the assumed pa...
Distribution-Free Multivariate Process Control Based On Log-Linear Modeling
Association Discrete measurements
This pa p e r c o nsider s sta tistica l pr o cess c o ntr o l (SP C ) w hen the pr o cess mea sur e ment is
multiva r ia te. I n the liter a tur e, mo st existing multiva r ia te SP C pr o cedur es ...
Zeta Functions and the Log-behavior of Combinatorial Sequences
log-convexity Riemann zeta function Bernoulli number Bell number Bessel zeta function Narayana number Hö lder's inequality
In this paper, we use the Riemann zeta function ζ(x) and the Bessel zeta function ζμ(x) to study the log-behavior of combinatorial sequences. We prove that ζ(x) is log-convex for x>1. As a consequence...
The Boros-Moll polynomials Pm(a) arise in the evaluation of a quartic integral. It has been conjectured by Boros and Moll that these polynomials are infinitely log-concave. In this paper, we show that...
Infinitely Log-monotonic Combinatorial Sequences
logarithmically completely monotonic function infinitely logmonotonic sequence ratio log-concave Riemann zeta function
We introduce the notion of infinitely log-monotonic sequences. By establishing a connection between completely monotonic functions and infinitely log-monotonic sequences, we show that the sequences of...
Log-Harnack Inequality for Gruschin Type Semigroups
Gruschin semigroup log-Harnack inequality coupling regular conditional probability
By constructing a coupling in two steps and using the Girsanov theorem under a regular conditional probability, the log-Harnack inequality is established for a large class of Gruschin type semigroups ...
There always exists at least one prime between x and x+log^2(x) when x> =8
Prime distribution of primes
In this paper one has shown that there always exists at least one pseudo prime number between x and x+log^2(x), so it also is true that there always exists at least one real prime number for the real ...
Stability for a GNS inequality and the Log-HLS inequality, with application to the critical mass Keller-Segel equation
GNS inequality Log-HLS inequality critical mass Keller-Segel equation Analysis of PDEs
Abstract: Starting from the quantitative stability result of Bianchi and Egnell for the 2-Sobolev inequality, we deduce several different stability results for a Gagliardo-Nirenberg-Sobolev inequality...
Families of canonically polarized manifolds over log Fano varieties
Families of canonically polarized manifolds log Fano varieties Algebraic Geometry
Abstract: Let (X,D) be a dlt pair, where X is a normal projective variety. Let S denote the support of the rounddown of D, and K the canonical divisor of X. We show that any smooth family of canonical...
The Log-Convex Density Conjecture and vertical surface area in warped products
The Log-Convex Density Conjecture vertical surface area warped products Differential Geometry
Abstract: We examine the vertical component of surface area in the warped product of a Euclidean interval and a fiber manifold with product density. We determine general conditions under which vertica...
On Finiteness of B-representatoin and Semi-log Canonical Abundance
Finiteness of B-representatoin Semi-log Canonical Abundance Algebraic Geometry
Abstract: We give a new proof of the finiteness of B-representations. As a consequence of the finiteness of B-representations and Koll\'ar's gluing theory on lc centers, we prove that the (relative) a...