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青岛大学一青年教师在《International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education》上发表文章
青岛大学 青年教师 发表文章 科学教育 未来预测法德尔菲法
近日,我校化学化工学院青年卓越人才万延岚博士在SSCI收录的社会科学期刊《International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education》上发表题为“What Major ‘Socio-Scientific Topics’ Should the Science Curriculum Focused on? A Delphi Study of t...

Reading On Electronic Devices May Interfere With Science Reading Comprehension(图)
Reading Electronic Devices Interfere Science Reading Comprehension
People who often read on electronic devices may have a difficult time understanding scientific concepts, according to a team of researchers. They suggest that this finding, among others in the study, ...

Preschool Teachers Need Better Training In Science(图)
Preschool Teachers Training Science
Preschool instructors appear to lack the knowledge, skills and confidence to effectively teach their young students science – a problem that is likely contributing to America’s poor global performance...
第二届IEEE计算机科学与信息技术教育开放教育资源国际研讨会(The 2nd IEEE International COMPSAC Workshop on Open Educational Resources (OERs) for Computer Science and Information Technology Education)
第二届 IEEE计算机科学 信息技术 教育开放 教育资源 国际研讨会
Open Education Resources (OERs), are freely available learning materials, discoverable on the World Wide Web, are becoming increasingly popular internationally at all levels of education, and across a...
关键概念 E-Science Science 2. 0 开放科学 开放创新 数字人文 科研变革
对E-Science、Science2. 0、开放科学、开放创新、数字人文这五个表征网络时代科研变革的关键概念进行探析,将网络时代科研变革的趋势概括为:跨越地理位置的协同研究变得越来越便利,分散各处的数据和资源被有效整合,联合多方力量的大规模科学研究将不断增多;基于社交网媒的科学交流将会十分活跃,以文献为核心的传统正式科学交流系统的主导地位受到极大挑战,基于社交网媒的非正式交流将产生越来越大的影响...
"Doing" Science Versus "Being" A Scientist:Examining 10/11-Year-Old Schoolchildren's Constructions Of Science Through The Lens Of Identity
Doing Science Versus Being A Scientist Schoolchildren's Constructions The Lens Of Identity
"Doing" Science Versus "Being" A Scientist:Examining 10/11-Year-Old Schoolchildren's Constructions Of Science Through The Lens Of Identity.
Arguing To Learn In Science:The Role Of Collaborative,Critical Discourse
Arguing To Learn Science Collaborative Critical Discourse
Argument and debate are common in science, yet they are virtually absent from science education. Recent research shows, however, that opportunities for students to engage in collaborative discourse an...
Students' Questions And Discursive Interaction: Their Impact On Argumentation During Collaborative Group Discussions In Science
general science discourse analysis language of science and classrooms middle school science
This study investigated the potential of students’ written and oral questions both as an epistemic probe and heuristic for initiating collaborative argumentation in science. Four classes of students, ...
Supporting Argumentation Through Students'Questions:Case Studies In Science Classrooms
Students'Questions Case Studies Science Classrooms
Supporting Argumentation Through Students'Questions:Case Studies In Science Classrooms.
In science education, where researchers have argued strongly for a conception of science as a process of collecting evidence, critically evaluating, and constructing explanations (Driver, Newton, and ...
Measuring Instructional Practice In Science Using Classroom Artifacts:Lessons Learned From Two Validation Studies
science education measurement of instruction generalizability theory
With growing interest in the role of teachers as the key mediators between educational policies and outcomes, the importance of developing good measures of classroom processes has become increasingly ...
Vocabulary Development In The Science Classroom:Using Hypermedia Authoring To Support English Learners
Vocabulary Development Science Classroom Hypermedia Authoring English Learners
This study investigated the impact of authoring hypermedia projects on the academic vocabulary development of middle school, ESL students. Vocabulary definitions, inprocess verbalizations, observation...
Students'Questions:A Potential Resource For Teaching And Learning Science
Students'Questions Potential Resource Teaching And Learning Science
Students'Questions:A Potential Resource For Teaching And Learning Science.
A View Of The Tip Of The Iceberg:Revisiting Conceptual Continuities And Their Implications For Science Learning
Everyday language Scientific language School science
We respond to Hwang and Kim and Yeo’s critiques of the conceptual continuity framework in science education. First, we address the criticism that their analysis fails to recognize the situated perspec...